There are few things that irritate me more than revisionist history. From the ridiculous claims of alien DNA interventions and Atlantian descent, to the evils of holocaust denials, the revisionist stance so often takes the same approach as conspiracy theory and creationism: we have decided what the truth is, so now we will manipulate, distort and even lie about the facts in order to make them fit our truth. One of the most disgusting of these is the highly anti-Semitic
At Michael J Hoffman’s, blatant racism is badly hid behind a shroud of “historical endeavour”. From desperately a-historical accounts of Jesus and the Jews to out and out holocaust denial, this putrid little piece of badly researched and un-sourced rubbish exemplifies all that is wrong with the revisionist movement; subjectivity in the field of history is not the same as deciding what happened and making the observations fit your hypothesis. His obsession with crytocracy, the new world order and secret societies are shared with a number of conspiracy theorist of similarly dubious logic and while his views on slavery, that white slavery and the white poor in America are overlooked and may have some merit, his attempts to make the suffering of black slaves ‘not so bad’ does not. While not a white supremacist himself, it is clear that Hoffmann holds no love for Jews. Michael A Hofmann II, the anti-Semitic rat journalist behind these historical assumptions of the worst kind, is a beacon against the terrors that postmodernism could allow in. ‘historians’, and I use the phrase very loosely, such as Hoffmann would, should postmodern hacks be allowed sway, be embraced by the historical community as a whole rather than rejected wholesale, as is now the case.
Other revisionists may be crazy (David Icke) and often, apart from attracting a large group of lunatics, deluded (see the whole creationist movement who deny civilisation before 3,700 BCE) but this site is potentially dangerous, supposed scholarly meat to the rancid feast of extremists everywhere. Hoffmann, at the site, even admits that he is “cognizant of the original sin of his own subjectivity” and claims a special ability to detect historical fraud. I can only assume he has few mirrors.
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